Employment Opportunities In Golf
If you are like me, you love sports especially golf. You live and breathe golf. Golf is a sport that continues to grow all around the world. So have you ever thought about pursuing a career that would allow you opportunities to be involved in the thing that you love: golf?

The majority of us will never be good enough to be competitive as a professional golfer on the PGA Tour, or any of the other Tours for that matter. But there are employment opportunities in the world of golf that we could pursue. For those of us that live in the United States, there are virtually thousands of golf courses. This opens up a market that literally has thousands of career related fields in golf. Within these fields are career opportunities that require varying skills, from positions that require on the job training, to fields that require some education, to jobs that demand higher education, such as college or academy schooling. On top of all that, there are opportunities for individuals to start their own golfing businesses. It's exciting to think about all of the possibilities that are available!

Job Opportunities In Golf
So now that I have your attention, I want to pass on to you some career opportunities that you might find interesting. Of course, they are all in golf and I will be adding to this list over the next few weeks. But for today I am only going to be listing a few jobs in the golf industry. Most of these positions or jobs are popular and in-demand. The first one that I am going to list, however, is one that most of us will not be able to attain, but you never know.

This particular career in golf involves knowing how to play the game. So if you have talent and you have a desire to be a professional golfer then this career could probably be the most lucrative for you, based on your talents of course. But being a golf professional goes beyond just playing on a tour. Many skilled athletes have attended golf schools or academies to learn the fundamentals of the game of golf, and also took classes on course management, as well as how to teach the game of golf to others. I know 3 people personally, who are classified as PGA Professionals, but they are not currently on a professional Tour, but they are in the golf career world, teaching others on some level or another. One of these individuals that I know, runs a golf store, a short course practice facility, and teaches golf to amateurs and other professionals as well. His skills on the course and in business, have allowed him to stay extremely close to the sport that he loves, and he makes pretty good money as well.

This is one of those career opportunities that doesn't require a whole lot of education in the way of schooling. However, any additional education that you have or could take would help. This is one that I have personal experience in. I worked for a golf retail store and it proved to a wonderful job opportunity for me. I love to play the game of golf, but I also love anything involving golf clubs and accessories. I was exposed to meeting people in the golfing community, such as reps from all the big golf companies. I even got a staff deal with one of them and got free equipment!

I had to learn how to be a salesman, though. But this proved to be a fun challenge and in time my product knowledge increased and I was able to help a lot of people purchase golf items. Plus, there was a repair shop on-site. I had learned how to assemble golf clubs prior to working at this golf store, so I was able to be apart of repairing customers clubs, adjusting loft/lie, replacing grips and shafts, plus I was trained to fit customers to their clubs. So this added to my knowledge about the game of golf.

So if you are looking for some career or job opportunities in golf, but you have limited experience, you could start in the retail field.

Career Opportunities In Golf Conclusion
I have only listed 2 possible career opportunities in golf in this post. I will list more in upcoming posts. But just from these 2 that I have discussed, you can probably see the possibilities that could be available to you. If you would like to attend an online school to improve your golf game, then Click Here! Thanks for reading and keep checking back for more information involving careers in the golf industry.